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Studies electrical


Power Quality

With our team of electrical engineers specialized in power quality, we evaluate compliance with the technical requirements for Load Centers and Power Plants, established in the Grid Code

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short circuit

Our specialists carry out short circuit studies to correctly size the adjustment of protections and equipment sizing. 

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Load Flows

Our team of specialists has the tools and knowledge to carry out an evaluation of the interconnection or connection alternatives and voltage level close to the projects.

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Power Factor

We carry out Power Factor Studies in the field to verify compliance with the Grid Code and we size the necessary equipment with the measurements obtained and the mathematical modeling of the installed loads.

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Arch Electric

We determine the levels of electrical risk by determining the levels of incident energy, electric arc currents, limits of approach of people to electrical equipment and panels, personal protective equipment and design of prevention labels.

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Coordination de

We define the behavior of the elements of the electrical system protection system in the event of failures due to short circuit, taking care of the integrity of people and equipment.

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Connection feasibility and infrastructure

Prior to starting the Study process with CENACE, we prepare the feasibility analysis to determine the necessary infrastructure and the costs for the connection of the projects. In this way, we give our clients certainty about the Study process that they will carry out with CENACE.

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Studies for Repowering
of power plants 

We prepare all the studies for repowering or capacity increases of Power Plants, including the survey in the field.


  • Study of Power Flows.

  • Short Circuit Study.

  • Reactive power and power factor correction study.

  • Protection Coordination Study.


Phone: 33 1439 0146



Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:00

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- Mathematical models

- Conceptual, basic and detailed. PC&M

- Studies de prefeasibility

- Network Code Tests

- Power Quality Study

- Permission for use and exploitation of the right of way






Av. Lopez Mateos Sur 1710, Guadalajara, Jalisco, CP. 45645


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